
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
Psalm 150:6

St. Michael’s Church is a Christ-centered congregation of individuals and families drawn together by sacraments, worship, education and work serving its members, as well as the local and world communities, through Faith, Witness, Outreach and Fellowship.

Join us every Sunday for a celebration of the Eucharist with choral accompaniment. Children are welcome in ALL services.

SUNDAYS AT ST. Michael’s


Worship Volunteers

Sundays at St. Michael’s


We are located at 813 Longacre Blvd Yeadon Pa 19050. The Church is the smaller stone building. The Chapel is the larger building on the hill.

Regular Services:

11.00 am
Rite II Worship, Sanctuary

Ushers to Help

Please see any of our ushers for assistance when you come into the building. There is also a greeter at the Welcome Table located near the front doors of the Narthex.

Have Kids?

All children are welcome during our services. 


All Baptized Christians are welcome to take communion. If you would prefer not to take communion, you can remain seated, or come forward with your arms crossed to receive a blessing.


St. Mitcheal’s follows the services outlined in the Book of Common Prayer 1979. The services include Old & New Testament reading, a reading from the Gospel, a sermon, and traditional communion.

After You Go

We would love to have you back next Sunday! In the meantime, stay in touch! Fill out the Get Connected form at the bottom of this page.

A few more things to note…

  • Handicapped Parking – Our facility is handicapped accessible with multiple handicapped parking spaces available. Parking attendants are available Sunday mornings to direct you to our handicapped accessible parking spots.
  • Special Needs – For those with limited hearing, our services are t-coil enabled. Speak to an usher for more information. Our facility is also ADA compliant.
  • Quiet Room – Margos Hall
  • Dressware – Parishioners of St. Michael’s dress in  business casual attire, but please come in what you are most comfortable wearing!

Sundays at St. Michael’s