
Holy Baptism is the initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. In the Episcopal Church, Baptism is the entry rite into the Christian life. Baptism is the only requirement for joining in the Holy Eucharist and all other ministries of the Church.

Each candidate for Holy Baptism is sponsored by at least two baptized persons. These may be family members or church members. “Godparent” is the common sponsor term when the candidate for baptism is a child. We would be happy to talk with you about selecting appropriate sponsors.

The sacrament takes place during a weekly, public worship service. Candidates of all ages are baptized on the dates listed on the Baptismal Registration Form found below.

To Be Baptized:

  1. Complete the registration form below, selecting a preferred date and time for the ceremony.
  2. If the candidate is an adult, plan to speak with a member of the clergy about baptismal preparation.
  3. If the candidate is a child, the parent/guardian should sign up for and attend the Baptismal Preparation Gathering on a dated before the ceremony date you have chosen.

Baptism Resources

Baptism Interest Form

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church  813 Longacre Blvd Yeadon Pa 19050   Phone: 610-2597871

Baptismal Candidate Information